Will you become one of The Fabulous 5?

DWtO is launching the Fabulous 5 Campaign.  The Fabulous 5 Campaign is enlisting 5 Canadians of influence to support DWtO and its Dancing Backwards project.  The DWtO goal is to connect, lead and raise $500,000.  

Will you help us reach out to other people of inspiration and connection, known philanthropists interested in supporting a culture of democracy, engagement and equality for Canadians? 

Personal Benefits:

Charitable Tax Receipt issued by ETC: Educating Toward Change Society.

Priority Previews of Dancing Backwards student clips and DWtO documentary footage.

Option to accompany Dancing Backwards team into a classroom to observe our success first-hand.

Recognition (if desired) on all printed and promotional materials.

Signed copy of the Dancing Backwards book, your choice of exclusive "octopus" jewelery or keepsake.

Personal Dancing Backwards Prezi Presentation at your home, privately or at the event of your choice.

Far Reaching Benefits

You are supporting Canadian Democracy.

 You are ensuring that the accomplishments of women are taught in the schools, providing leadership incentives for girls.

You are giving a voice and choice to young voters.

You are encouraging young women to consider a career in politics.

You are building citizens of the future now




Campaign Details

The Fabulous 5 will be composed of individuals invited to be leaders of this movement. The Fabulous 5 Membership will be anyone who makes a donation to the Campaign.  Levels are based on the amount donated by the member or on behalf of the member.

The Fabulous Patron                              $100,000

The Fabulous 4 Founders                       $50,000 +

Level 1  Grandmothers & Grandfathers $5,000 -­ $9,999

Level 2  Mothers & Fathers                    $1000 -­ $4,999

Level 3 ­ Daughters & Sons                      $500 -­ $999

Level 4 ­ Sisters & Brothers                      $100 -­ $499

Level 5 ­ Girls & Boys                                $10­ - $99


The Fabulous 5 Campaign is engagement and equality at its best. It is about people, women and men who care enough to make a difference for our Canada’s youth.

Please contact us for more details or donate directly below.


Be a part of the movement! Let's get more women talking politics! Help spread the word!  


With the generosity of many people, the eight tentacles are in motion.


1. Email us at to become a part of the team and ride the tentacles with us!

2. Make a tax deductible donation through Educating Toward Change Society


3. Through Paypal: all monies support ongoing development of each tentacle!


Every $100 donation will receive recognition on the website (if you wish) and a much-coveted Octoball, as seen in the webisodes.

4. Become a Sponsor: MINI Victoria was the first to come aboard - you could be next. Contact us at: for Product Placement / Advertising Opportunities in our webisodes or on this website.



J. Michael Hutchison, Q.C., Barrister & Solicitor

Winning Women Funds

The London Chef

75 Wonderful Women and Men who wish to remain anonymous at this time!


Contact Info


Sandy Mayzell

250 883-5194


Educating Toward Change Society

May Street Productions

Pan Productions

Equal Voice

Canadian  Women Voters Congress

Adrian Raeside

National Democratic Institute

Simon Fraser University Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies

University of Victoria Women’s Studies